Saturday 1 February 2014


These are some takeaways from the HTML video

1. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language which will 'mark-up' texts on how they will be displayed.
2. HTML is the backbone of every webpage. Without HTML, webpages would not function properly.
3. If you do understand HTML, you can create your own webpages, add,underline and emphasize texts. You can add hyperlinks, videos and photos to perk up your webpages.
4. HTML consists of opening and closing texts. One example is <head> </head>
5. The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents although it does not display the HTML tags.
6. HTML elements are the building blocks of webpages. It can be used to create interactive forms and allows many interesting photos and videos to embedded. How cool is that!
7. There is a wide myriad of versions for HTML. From version 2.0 to version 5.0.
8. HTML markup consist of different vital components including tags and references.
9. There are many HTML elements, including paragraph making, heading sizes, bolding/emphasizing/underlining of text, creating links, adding images etc.
10. HTML is the main 'language' for creating webpages and other information or sources that can be displayed in the web browser.

pictures taken from google.
videos from youtube

Reflections on web 2.0

These are some take aways from the web 2.0 video

1. Unlike web 1.0, with web 2.0, the webmaster shares the responsibility with his internet audience for keeping the website informative and engaging.
2. It is a regular place where people gather and interact, not just for storing information.
3. There is a multitude of examples of web 2.0, some of which include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, web applications etc.
4 .Instead of merely 'reading' like web 1.0, web 2.0 allows users to 'write', or contribute to the content available by sharing user-friendly information.
5. Web 2.0 is more engaging than web 1.0. It allows more users to connect and interact, allowing a more engaging experience.

Image taken from wikipedia
video from youtube

57 slides sharing

This are some learning points i have taken away from the 57 slides sharing

1. I have learnt about the history of the internet from 4 to 1000 to 20000000 host notes.
2. I learnt that no one controls the internet. It is a public, cooperative and independent network.
3. I have learnt that you can connect to the internet through slow-speed technology or high-speed         connection.
4.There are 3 ways to connect to the internet-ISP,OSP and Wireless Internet Service Provider.
5.WWW stands for the world wide web. It is a world wide connection of electronic documents.
6. A web browser is a program which allows you to view webpages eg. safari.
7.URL stands for Uniform Resource Creator, which is a unique address for a web page.
8. A link is a build-in connection to another related web page location.
9. A hit is any website name that is listed as a result of the search.
10. There are 9 basic types of web sites- Portal, News, Informational, Business/Marketing, Educational, Entertainment, Advocacy, Blog and Personal.
11. A portal is a website that offers a variety of services from one convenient location for free.
12. FTP stands for file transfer protocol which is an internet standard that allows you to uload and download files with other computers from the internet.
13. Netiquette is a code of acceptable behaviors one should adhere to while using the internet.

All photos are taken from google images
videos from youtube

About Me

I study in Hwa Chong Instituition. I am in class 1i3. I love to play soccer. I am interested in infocomm and I am quite experienced in it. I hope that i can further develop my infocomm skills after attending Mr Cheong's lessons.

pictures from google
videos from youtube